Media Picker

Here you can choose collections or sources to search against for each platform tab. Due to how we access each platform’s API, cross-platform searches are not currently supported.

Featured Collections

  • These are curated collections that appear based on platform.
  • Other collections may be available, but these are often the highlights of our current collections.
featured collections ui

Search Collections or sources for Selected Platform

  • Search for any source or collection from our database, based on platform.
  • We recommend finding sources by searching the domain name of the resource you are interested in.
  • You can add multiple collections and/or sources to a search.
selected collections ui

Date picker

You are able to limit a search to specific date periods. The dates that are available to search will adjust over time as Media Cloud ingests historical data. Current date fields available are:

Date limits:

  • Wayback Machine before 8/1/22
  • Pushshift before 11/1/22
date picker UI


Total Attention

See the total number of hits and the % of stories your topic returned for a time period

results: total attention UI

Attention over time

Check day by day what the number of hits or % of stories your topic was for a time period

results: attention over time UI

Sample Results

Get a small sample of results from your query, will change depending on platform, option to download for each platform

results: sample content UI

Words (experimental)

Experimental feature to see words that appear most often in results

results: top words UI

Languages (experimental)

Experimental feature to see what languages that appear most often in results

Results: top languages UI

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Send us an email at or fill out our support form.